In late 2015, five trainees at Rockefeller created People at Rockefeller Identifying as Sexual/Gender Minorities (PRISM), to address a perceived lack of community for LGBTQ+ people at Rockefeller University. Along with that lack of community came a lack of data, so PRISM’s first action was to survey our constituency in 2016.
Two years later, we at PRISM wanted to update those data to make sure that the activities we provide are still in line with what our community needs. While the goal of the 2016 survey was to get a broad view of what it was like to be LGBTQ+ at Rockefeller, we decided this year to more narrowly collect information about our membership and the activities they enjoyed, as well as what more they wanted to see from us going forward. Here we present data on two main findings:
LGBTQ+ people continue to exist at all levels at Rockefeller (except, still, heads of lab)
More LGBTQ+ people here feel a sense of community, but there’s still much more that PRISM can do