Campus resources
Career and Professional Development (Dr. Andrea Morris, Director of Career Resources and Professional Development)
Rockefeller & Tri-I community groups
RockOUT (
The Rockefeller Inclusive Science Initiative (RiSI) (
Women in Science at Rockefeller (WISeR) (
Rockefeller International Group of Scholars (RIGS) (
Tri-I Minority Society (TIMS)
Reporting harassment and bias on campus
The Rockefeller University sexual assault and bias-related crime policies and procedures
LGBTQ+ In Stem
Guide to LGBTQIA+ Allyship for Mentors - RockEDU Science Outreach
reading list
Out of the Closet, into the Lab: Five LGBTQ Scientists Share Their Stories (featuring Dr. Kat Hadjantonakis and Dr. Scott Keeney, 2016 Out In Science panelists)
The Limits of Labels, Categories, and Classifications (by Dr. Rebecca Oppenheimer, 2016 Out In Science panelist)
LGBTQ scientists are still left out
Coming out and standing up for others
Excluded, intimidated and harassed: LGBT physicists face discrimination
Queered Science: Why Social Justice and STEM Fields Should Hang Out More Often
Queered Science: LGBTQ Scientists and the Legend of the Unicorn
Queer Science: LGBT Scientists Discuss Coming out at Work
Queer Scientists of Historical Note
Closeted Discoverers: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Scientists